
DINU LIPATTI (19 Mar1917 – 2 Dec 1950) The Romanian classical pianist, Dinu Lipatti, was born into a family of musicians: his father was a violinist, his mother a pianist, and his godfather was the violinist and composer George Enescu. He studied at the Gheorghe Lazăr High School, and finished second at the 1934 Vienna International Piano Competition, which led to Alfred Cortot, who thought he should have won, resigning from the jury in protest. Lipatti subsequently studied under Alfred Cortot, Nadia Boulanger (with whom he recorded a number of Johannes Brahms' Liebeslieder waltzes in the four-hand arrangement), Paul Dukas (composition) and Charles Munch (conducting) in Paris.Dinu Lipatti returned to Rumania in 1939. His career was interrupted by World War II, although he continued to give concerts throughout Europe, including Nazi-occupied territories. He only fled the country in 1943 with his fiancée Madeleine Cantacuzene (later his wife and then widow), via Scandinavia, to Switzerland, where at the Geneva Conservatoire he held the highest piano professorship from 1944 to 1949. He concertized widely in Europe, including Switzerland, France, Germany, Italy, Great Britain, Belgium and Holland, and his fame and popularity grew rapidly. He was also much sought after as a teacher for his masterclasses.
In the last six years of his life, Dinu Lipatti was diagnosed with leukaemia. Yet his drive did not diminish and his playing never suffered. There were even plans for a concert tour in America, but relapses caused it to be cancelled. In his last year, his illness was kept at bay temporarily with a new drug, cortisone - the cost of which devoted friends like Yehudi Menuhin, Charles Munch and Stravinsky contributed to. It was during this remission that Lipatti, much against the advice of his doctors, decided to honour his concert engagement and played his final recital at Besançon on September 16, 1950. Lipatti is considered among the finest pianists of the 20th century. He is particularly noted for his interpretations of W.A. Mozart and F. Chopin, but he also made recordings of Franz Liszt, George Enescu, Maurice Ravel's Alborada del Gracioso, the Schumann Piano Concerto and Grieg Piano Concerto piano concertos, and J.S. Bach (the latter two are widely considered to be among the finest ever made.
DINU LIPATTI (19 Mar1917 – 2 Dec 1950) pianistul clasic roman, Dinu Lipatti a fost nascuta intr-o familie de muzicieni: tatal sau a fost violonist, mama sa pianista iar nasul sau a fost violonistul si compozitorul Geroge Enescu. El a studiat la Liceul Gheroghe Lazar si in 1934 a terminat al doliea in concursul International de pian de la Viena care l-a facut pe Alfred Cortot, care credea ca el va castiga, sa isi dea demisia din juriu in semn de protest. Ulterior, Lipatti a studiat cu Alfred Cortot, Nadia Boulanger (cu care a inregistrat un anumit numar de vaksuri ale lui Brahms' Liebeslieder waltzes intr-un aranjament pentru patru maini,Paul Dukas (compozitie) si Charles Munch (dirijat) in Paris.Dinu Lipatti s-a intors in Romania in 1939. Criera sa a fost intrerupta da cel de-al doilea razboi mondial desi el a continuta sa dea concerte prin Europa, inclusiv in teritoriile ocupate de nazisti. A fugit din tara in 1943 cu logodnica sa Madalina Cantacuzino (mai tarziu sotia si vaduva sa, via Scandinavia,in Elvetia, unde, la Conservatorul din Geneva a detinut cel mai mare rang de profesor intre 1944-1949. A tinut concerte in Europa, inclusiv Elvetia, Franta, Germania, Italia, Marea Britanie, Belgia si Olanda iar faima si popularitatea i-au crescut rapid. In ultimii sase ani din viata lui, el a fost diagnositcat cu leucemie. Totusi, elanul sau nu s-a dimimnuat iar arta sa nu a avut de suferit. Existau planuri pentru concerte im America dar regresia bolii au facut sa fie amanate. In ultimul an, boala a fost controlata cu un nou medicament, cortizonul- costul acestuia i-a facut pe prietenii precum Yehudi Menuhin, Charles Munch si Stravinsky sa contribuie. In timpul remisiei, in ciuda sfaturilor doctorilor, a decis sa isi onoreze concertul si a interpretat recitalul final la Besançon pe 16 septembrie, 1950. Lipatti este considerat printre cei mai buni pianisti ai secolului 20. el este remarcabil pentru interpretarile lui W.A. Mozart si F. Chopin, dar el a facut inregistrari dupa Franz Liszt, George Enescu, Maurice Ravel's Alborada del Gracioso, Schumann Piano Concerto si Grieg Piano Concerto si J.S. Bach (ultimele doua fiind considerate doua dintre cele mai reusite interpretari ale sale)

IONEL PERLEA (13 dec 1900, Bucu-Ograda Ialomiţa - 29 iul 1970, New York), was one of the greatest Romanian conductor and composers.
Between 1918 and 1923 he studied coposition and conducting with Beer-Walbrunn in München and Paul Gräner in Leipzig (Germany).
He had his first concert on October 17th 1919 at the Romanian Athenenum in Bucharest having a double part: interpreter and composer. He received George Enescu Composition Award in 1926 for his work String Quartet op.10". He had the great opportunity to also be a concductor and the musical manager of the Romanian Opera House in Bucharest but in 1945 he became a member of the Rome Opera. As he was successful in his work the managers of Teatro alla Scala from Milan offered him a life-time position with their company. In this way he achieved international success. Four years later he makes his debut at the Metropolitan Opera in New York by putting on stage Tristan and Isolda by Richard Wagner.
During his artistic career he conducted numerous shows in Vienna, Paris, Bueno Aires, Florence, Chicago and he also led famous orchestras especially those from the United States of America.
Ionel Perlea (13 dec 1900, Bucu-Ograda Ialomiţa - 29 iul 1970, New York), a fost unul din cei mai mari dirijori si compozitori romani. Intre 1918 si 1923 a studiat compozitia si arta dirijatului cu Beer-Walbrunn in München si Paul Gräner in Leipzig (Germania). El a avut primul concert pe 17 octombrie 1919 la ateneul Roman din bucuresti avand rol dublu: interpret si compozitor. A primit premiul de compozitie George Enescu in 1926 pentru opera sa, Cvartetul de corzi op10. el a avut imensa ocazie de a dirija si a conduce Opera Romana din Bucuresti dar in 1945 el a devenit membru al Operei din Roma. Deoarece avea succes in munca sa, managerii Teatro alla Scala din Milan i-au oferit un post pe viata in compania lor. In cariera sa a atins succesul inetrnational. Patru ani mai tarziu el isi face debutul la Opera Metropiloitana din New York punand in scena Tristan si Isolda de Richard Wagner. In timpul carierei sale artistice, a dirijat multe spectacole in Viena, Paris, Bueno Aires, Florenta, Chicago si deasemena a condus numeroase orchestre in special din SUA.

Born in a small village in Romania, George Enescu showed a special musical gift from his early childhood years. At the age of 5 he composed his first musical composition
Shortly thereafter, his father presented him to the professor and composer Eduard Caudella. At the age of seven, he entered the Vienna Conservatory, where he studied with Joseph Hellmesberger, Jr., Robert Fuchs, and Sigismund Bachrich, and graduated before his 13th birthday, earning the silver medal. In his Viennese concerts young Enescu played works by Brahms, Sarasate and Mendelssohn. In 1895 he went to Paris to continue his studies. He studied violin with Martin Pierre Marsick, harmony with André Gédalge, and composition with Jules Massenet and Gabriel Fauré.
Many of Enescu's works were influenced by Romanian folk music, his most popular compositions being the two Romanian Rhapsodies (1901–2), the opera Œdipe (1936), and the suites for orchestra. He also wrote five symphonies (two of them unfinished), a symphonic poem Vox maris, and much chamber music (three sonatas for violin and piano, two for cello and piano, a piano trio, quartets with and without piano, a wind decet (French, "dixtuor"), an octet for strings, a piano quintet, a chamber symphony for twelve solo instruments).
In 1923 he made his debut as a conductor in a concert given by the Philadelphia Orchestra in New York City. In 1935, he conducted the Orchestre Symphonique de Paris and Yehudi Menuhin in Mozart's Violin Concerto No.3 in G major. He also conducted the New York Philharmonic between 1937 and 1938.
He was also a noted violin teacher. Yehudi Menuhin, Christian Ferras, Ivry Gitlis, Arthur Grumiaux, and Ida Haendel were among his pupils. He promoted contemporary Romanian music, playing works of Constantin Silvestri, Mihail Jora, Ionel Perlea and Marţian Negrea.
Today, Bucharest houses a museum in his memory; likewise, the Symphony Orchestra of Bucharest, as well as the George Enescu Festival, are named and held in his honor.
Nascut intr-un satuc din Romania, George Enescu a aratat un talent special inca din primii ani de copilarie. La varsta de 5 ani el a compus prima lui piesa. La scurt timp dupa, tatal sau l-a prezentat profesorului si compozitorului Eduard Caudella. La varsta de 7 ani, el a intrat la Conservatorul din Viena unde a studiat cu Joseph Hellmesberger, Jr., Robert Fuchs, si Sigismund Bachrich, si a absolvit inainte de a implini 13 ani, castigand medalia de argint. In concertele vieneze tanarul Enescu a interpretat operele lui Brahms, Saraste si Mendelssohn. In 1895 el a plecat la Paris pentru a-si continua studiile. El a studiat vioara cu Martin Pierre Marsick, armonia cu André Gédalge,si compozitia cu Jules Massenet si Gabriel Fauré. Multe din operele lui Enescu au fost influentate de muzica populara romaneasca, cele mai populare creatii fiind Rapsodia Romana (1901-2), opera (Edipe 1936) si suitele pentru orchestre. Deasemenea el a scris cinci simfonii (doua din ele neterminate), un poem simfoni Vox maris si multa muzica de camera (trei sonate pentru vioara si pian, doua pentru violoncel si pian, un trio pentru pian, cvartet cu si fara pian, octet pentru corzi, cvartet pentru pian, simfonia de camera pentru 12 instrumente solo. In 1923 el si-a facut debutul ca dirijor intr-un concert date decatre Orchestra din Philadelphia in orasul new York. In 1935, el a dirijat Orchestra Simfonica din Paris si pe Yehudi Menhiun in Concertul pentru vioara nr 3 in G major de Mozart. Deasemenea el a dirijat Filarmonica din New York intre 1937-1938. el a fost si un profesor foarte bun. Yehudi Menuhin, Christian Ferras, Ivry Gitlis, Arthur Grumiaux, si Ida Haendel au fost printre elevii sai. El a promovat muzica romaneasca contemporana, cantat piesele lui Constantin Silvestri, Mihail Jora, Ionel Perlea si Marţian Negrea. Astazi, Bucurestiul gazduieste un muzeu in memoria lui, la fel Orchestra Simfonica din Bucuresti, Festivalul George Enescu sunt numite in onoare lui.